The theme continues! Who knows how far we can stretch it!
But while we're on this role, do come along and join our bike bus after school on Friday, May 24th. We are celebrating our gorgeous revamped bike lane on Rosendale Road, with this mini-bike bus and celebratory biscuits at Brockwell Park, Rosendale Gate entrance at 3.45pm.
The bike bus is an informal affair with different schools starting from different points along the cycle path, dependent on where their school is located and what time it closes. We anticipate families coming from Rosemead, Oakfield and Rosendale Primary School. The event is supported by Streets for Kids.
The bike buses will converge in the park by Rosendale Gate, at around 3.45pm, having experienced the new improved cycle lane surface, which is now a highly visible red, with a floating pavement at the entrances to Guernsey and Hawarden Groves.
This is not just a fun afternoon out, it's also an opportunity to ask cycling families questions about their experience of cycling. What type of bikes work best for which age? Where do you store them? Are you thinking about a cargo bike?
Are you a parent with questions or have you got the answers? Either way, we'd love to see you there. Come and support the event and the bike lane, and eat some biscuits.